
Gina Joy Carano began her career as a Muay Thailand fighter and was named The Female Face of MMA. Her first venture was as a Muay Thai fighter and was crowned as the face of women's MMA. Her Muay Thai records are incredible, with twelve wins with only one loss. She's also the first American to have ever won an Muay Thai title in Thailand. In her youth, she excelled in gymnastics, jazz tap ballet, horsesback riding and basketball. Jiujitsu and wrestling are two of the other sports she studied. Seven wins and one loss comprise her MMA career. She made her name a major MMA superstar thanks to her tenacity and tactics in the ring along with her relaxed style and gorgeous looks. Haywire's as well as Fast & Furious 6'' have been Hollywood blockbuster successes. The career of her was frequently criticized because of her sexual attraction. Even harsh words could not dampen her enthusiasm and fans continued giving her their love. Her unquestionable talent, her the strength of her character, and determination make her an inspiration for numerous.

Gina Gina Gina Gina Gina


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